Gleneagles Townhouse

Jeux de raquette et de pelouse

At Gleneagles, you can find a range of classic racquet and lawn games to keep you entertained throughout your visit, including padel, croquet, quoits, and some of the best tennis courts Scotland has to offer.

Our 850-acre estate offers endless opportunities for outdoor fun and adventure. Why not explore our gardens on a Pashley, swing a croquet mallet, tennis or padel racquet?

Demande de renseignements
L'ombre d'un joueur de tennis sur un court qui saute pour servir la balle.

Tennis in Scotland

Where better to play tennis in Scotland than amongst the stunning scenery of Perthshire?

Tennis has been an integral part of The Gleneagles experience since 1924. Today, we offer five of the best tennis courts Scotland has to offer, as well as some of the finest tennis lessons in Scotland; perfect for a set or two with friends or something a little more competitive.

Racquet & Lawn Games video


The fastest growing racquet sport in the world has landed at Gleneagles with the installation of two new Padel courts. If you’ve played tennis or squash you will love Padel, it’s a hybrid of both sports. It’s typically played in doubles on an enclosed court roughly 25% smaller than the size of a tennis court.

Lawn Games & Pashley Bikes

Des aventures sur mesure

Notre personnel de planification d'activités crée des itinéraires personnalisés pour les familles, les individus seuls et les groupes à la recherche d'activités de loisirs et champêtres amusantes.

Demander des renseignements

splendide terrain de jeu

Profitez de tout ce que le Gleneagles a à offrir autour du complexe.